Join me on a journey to Rewrite


In 2019, I suffered a financially devastating divorce.

I had been married for 10 years. By all accounts, I had a successful career as an international tax lawyer. But I was also the trailing spouse. My husband was a physician who had built a successful healthcare company. We moved around the country following his career. My paycheck went directly into our joint checking account. I handled the grocery shopping and he handled the finances. It was simple division of labor, or so I thought.

On January 1, 2019, my husband tells me he wants a divorce. I’m shocked, but he’s dead set on it. We mediate “amicably,” and 6 weeks later, we’re signing a relatively plain vanilla divorce agreement.

During the mediation, the question of the valuation of his company comes up. He tells me we’ll be “lucky” if his company is worth a moderate sum. I take him at his word and sign the divorce papers.

Eighteen months later, I open the Wall Street Journal.

My ex-husband’s company has gone public. For $11 billion.


He personally is worth – you guessed it – about $250 million. And he writes me a nominal check, per that divorce agreement I signed. He may as well have written “BETRAYAL” in the check memo line.

Why do I tell you all of this?

What I’ve learned, the hard way, is that money is psychology.

And I’m not talking about the psychology that says you spend more if you use a credit card versus cash. I’m talking about the deep, subconscious psychology that shapes our view of the world and of ourselves – the psychology that ultimately determines our external reality. Yes, my ex-husband behaved badly, to say the least. But, that doesn’t erase my role in the whole fiasco. Several years post-divorce, the universe, serendipitously, sent me a particularly abusive boyfriend. And it finally dawned on me: I am the common denominator.

There was something looping in my psyche that said, “Money comes from men. I cannot support myself. I am powerless.” I felt, subconsciously, that I needed to lay down my personal power at the feet of my  husband or boyfriend, however manipulative or abusive, in order to be taken care of and secure. Here I was, a highly educated lawyer, and I somehow believed deep down that I was incapable of supporting myself. I eventually found the tools to heal my subconscious blocks and to rewrite my personal story.

The 3 brand promises – taking control, investing in the world you want to see, and striving for outsized returns – were born from my financial heartbreak. I quickly realized that in order to get my financial life under control, I was going to have to put these 3 pieces in motion.

Out of sheer necessity, I created a system that works for me.


My husband Natty, our son Oliver and I live in a log cabin, nestled in the trees and the mountains. Our dog Cruz runs around the property like a madman. Mornings are filled with meditation and lazy breakfasts. Mid-day, I’m podcasting, researching stocks, and writing. Evenings are home-cooked dinners, gatherings with friends, bonfires, and music. It’s a peaceful, nature-based existence with a healthy dose of adventure.

Let’s write Your next chapter together.