Women's Investor

community podcast 

An inclusive space for women to openly address all their questions about money and finance – particularly the ones that might seem challenging, awkward, or intricate.

Below is a list of our episodes categorized by topic.

Money Basics

  • There are so many misconceptions about financial freedom - what it is, what it means, and how we get there. This episode redefines financial freedom so that you can get there more quickly.

  • Money can feel so scary, uncertain, and overwhelming. This episode breaks down the financial planning process so that you can find joy in your financial life.

    The 3 Steps:

    Step 1: Manifest. Get in touch with your values and money story to unblock subconscious limiting beliefs and create the life you deserve.

    Step 2: Organize. Create different accounts (i.e., buckets) for different purposes to make saving and spending more effortless.

    Step 3: Invest. Get curious about investing because it can be a powerful way to multiply your money.

  • A listener asks: What combination of letters should I be looking for as I’m trying to find some kind of financial advisor / tax planner / some-title-I-don’t-actually-know?

    This episode talks about the financial planning industry generally and walks through five places you might look for holistic, proactive advice.

Income & Money Energetics

  • A listener wonders: I would love to switch jobs, but I signed a non-compete agreement with my current company. Can I still take this great new job offer I just got?

    This episode breaks down different types of non-compete agreements, practical tips for the job transition, and the current state of the law.

  • A listener asks: I am thinking about buying a new car, but I’m not sure whether to buy or lease. And, if I buy, should I pay cash or get a car loan?

    This episode breaks down the economics of car buying as well as the non-economic lifestyle considerations.

  • A listener asks: I have a successful coffee roaster and cafe, and want to expand into coffee catering. The problem is, I don't want to drain my savings to buy equipment (espresso machine, grinder, dishware, etc.). Should I get loans from the bank or should I ask for private capital?

    This episode breaks down equity, debt and grant funding plus some practical guidance on the pros and cons of each.

  • A listener writes: I am recently divorced and my home is my biggest asset. How can I use my home to build wealth and get my financial footing?

    This episode breaks down authenticity, money energetics, and some practical action steps around home ownership, expenses, and debt.


  • If you’re just starting your investing journey, the options can feel overwhelming. Day trading? Passive index funds? Buy low, sell high?

    This episode breaks down the different styles to help you find the approach that fits your unique mental make-up.

  • As investors, we all want to know whether the stock market is going to go up or down. So many pundits give us the impression that we (or they) can predict the future. The fact is, no one can predict the future - it’s inherently uncertain.

    So, in this episode, we’ll free ourselves from the need to know and learn about tools and techniques to manage uncertainty so that we can move forward with confidence.

  • A listener wonders: I am thinking about buying a condo to Airbnb, but I’m not sure whether it’s a good investment. How should I be thinking about this?

    This episode breaks down the rate of return on a real estate investment plus some property management considerations and real estate’s place in your overall investment strategy.

  • What is investment diversification? Does it mean owning 5,000 different stocks? Dozens of different funds? Not putting all your eggs in one basket?

    This episode explores diversification in the context of both passive investing and active investing to help you feel more empowered.


  • Are you saving enough for retirement? Are you saving too much for retirement? Will you ever reach financial freedom?

    This episode explores two ways to approach the question of retirement savings so that you can start thinking about your ideal strategy.

  • Reminder: Monday, April 15, 2024 is the deadline to make your Roth IRA contributions for 2023. Now is also a great time to make your contributions for 2024.

  • A listener asks: For work, I have the option of a traditional 401(k) and a post-tax 401(k). How do I determine which one is right for me?

    The answer is: It depends. This episode breaks down three ways to think about the Roth vs. Traditional 401(k), along with two bonus considerations for Roth IRAs.


  • Reminder: Quarterly estimated tax payments are due to the IRS on Friday. This episode walks you through why they matter and how to get them done.

    IRS Form 1040-ES.

  • Reminder: The drop dead date for your 2022 federal income tax return is Monday, October 16, 2023.

    This episode walks you through the ins and outs of a tax return extension and explains why April 15 isn’t necessarily tax day.

  • A listener asks: I have heard that you can save a lot in taxes if you have a family business and employ your kids in the business. Is this a viable strategy? If so, how does it work?

    This episode breaks down the family business tax deductions plus gives you two additional ways to boost tax savings.

  • When you donate money to charity, you get a tax deduction…right? Sadly, the tax laws don’t always reward your generosity.

    This episode explores the standard deduction versus itemized deductions and what those mean for your charitable giving. It also breaks down a strategy called bunching so that you can make the most of your donations.

  • A listener asks: What is tax-loss harvesting and how can I use it to my advantage?

    This episode starts with a primer on tax basis and capital gains tax. It then explores tax-loss harvesting and gives you some actionable steps so that you can make the most of this tax planning strategy.

  • A listener asks: In 2023, I settled large credit card debts with collectors. I’ve heard that forgiven debt can be treated as taxable income. What should I expect this year on my taxes?

    This episode explains the general rule but then outlines two exceptions that could provide some tax relief for credit card debt settlement.


Education Savings

Estate Planning

  • A listener asks: My brother and I inherited my mom’s home. Should I buy my brother out and move in? Buy him out and rent it out? Or, should my brother and I sell it?

    This episode works through the lifestyle, economic, and tax considerations of real estate inheritance.

  • A listener asks: Is it a good idea for my husband and me to purchase investment real estate inside our trust so that the tax hit is negated for our kids when we pass?

    This episode outlines when trusts might be helpful in avoiding estate and inheritance taxes as well as the probate process.